Iglesia Reformada Presbiteriana: Sermons
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From here you can see and hear again our preaching, ordered by topic and date.

Topic: Nahúm
Year/s: 2024
Author: In Sik Jeon
Preachings: 5
Topic: Jacobo
Year/s: 2024
Author: In Sik Jeon
Preachings: 33
Topic: Jueces
Year/s: 2022 - 2024
Author: In Sik Jeon
Preachings: 79
Topic: Acerca de la Oración
Year/s: 2018 - 2022
Author: Jeon In Sik
Preachings: 13
Topic: Judas
Year/s: 2022
Author: Jeon In Sik
Preachings: 19
Topic: El Movimiento Carismático, en la iglesia católica romana
Year/s: 2021 - 2022
Author: Jeon In Sik
Preachings: 2
Topic: Jonás
Year/s: 2021
Author: In Sik Jeon
Preachings: 11
Topic: Filemón
Year/s: 2021
Author: Jeon In Sik
Preachings: 9
Topic: El Cristianismo y las Herejías
Year/s: 2021
Author: Jeon In Sik
Preachings: 10
Topic: Colosenses
Year/s: 2019 - 2021
Author: Jeon In Sik
Preachings: 38
Topic: Breve Instrucción Cristiana
Year/s: 2020 - 2021
Author: Jeon In Sik
Preachings: 10
Topic: El Pacto y sus etapas
Year/s: 2020
Author: Jeon In Sik
Preachings: 7
Topic: La Ley moral de Dios
Year/s: 2017 - 2020
Author: Ernest González
Preachings: 56
Topic: Los Doce artículos de la fe (Credo Apostólico)
Year/s: 2020
Author: Jeon In Sik
Preachings: 6
Topic: Varios (2011-2020)
Year/s: 2011 - 2020
Author: Varios
Preachings: 23
Topic: El Bautismo
Year/s: 2002 - 2020
Author: Varios
Preachings: 7
Topic: Salmo 23
Year/s: 2017 - 2019
Author: Jeon In Sik
Preachings: 53
Topic: La Santa Cena
Year/s: 2017 - 2018
Author: Jeon In Sik
Preachings: 7
Topic: 1ª Juan
Year/s: 2016 - 2017
Author: Ernest González
Preachings: 23
Topic: Romanos
Year/s: 2015 - 2016
Author: Ricardo Cerni
Preachings: 68
Topic: Esther - Nehemías
Year/s: 2015
Author: Pr. Ricardo Cerni
Preachings: 9
Topic: Esdras
Year/s: 2014 - 2015
Author: Ricardo Cerni
Preachings: 12
Topic: Historia de la Iglesia
Year/s: 2013 - 2014
Author: Ricardo Cerni
Preachings: 16
Topic: Colosenses
Year/s: 2014
Author: Ricardo Cerni
Preachings: 17
Topic: Filipenses
Year/s: 2014
Author: Ricardo Cerni
Preachings: 14
Topic: Job
Year/s: 2014
Author: Ricardo Cerni
Preachings: 4
Topic: Habacuc
Year/s: 2014
Author: Ricardo Cerni
Preachings: 4
Topic: Hechos
Year/s: 2013 - 2014
Author: Ricardo Cerni
Preachings: 62
Topic: Génesis - Éxodo
Year/s: 2011 - 2013
Author: Ricardo Cerni
Preachings: 53
Topic: La Persona y la Obra de Jesús el Mesías
Year/s: 2012 - 2013
Author: Ricardo Cerni
Preachings: 14
Topic: Servidores de Dios
Year/s: 2012
Author: Ricardo Cerni
Preachings: 5
Topic: La Providencia de Dios
Year/s: 2012
Author: Ricardo Cerni
Preachings: 22
Topic: La Vida Cristiana
Year/s: 2011 - 2012
Author: Ricardo Cerni
Preachings: 20
Topic: La Familia
Year/s: 2011 - 2012
Author: Ricardo Cerni
Preachings: 10
Topic: Apocalipsis
Year/s: 2009 - 2011
Author: Ricardo Cerni
Preachings: 69
Topic: Evangelio de Lucas
Year/s: 2009 - 2011
Author: Ricardo Cerni
Preachings: 114
Topic: Varios (2001-2010)
Year/s: 2001 - 2010
Author: Varios
Preachings: 42
Topic: Filipenses
Year/s: 2008 - 2009
Author: Ricardo Cerni
Preachings: 24
Topic: Monarquías en los Reinos de Israel y de Judá
Year/s: 2007 - 2008
Author: Ricardo Cerni
Preachings: 45
Topic: Como hemos de vivir
Year/s: 2007
Author: Ricardo Cerni
Preachings: 15
Topic: Plan y Obra de la Salvación
Year/s: 2006 - 2007
Author: Ricardo Cerni
Preachings: 20
Topic: 1ª Pedro
Year/s: 2006
Author: Ricardo Cerni
Preachings: 24
Topic: La Monarquía en Israel
Year/s: 2003 - 2006
Author: Ricardo Cerni
Preachings: 72
Topic: Colosenses
Year/s: 2005
Author: Ricardo Cerni
Preachings: 18
Topic: Escatología (2005)
Year/s: 2005
Author: Ricardo Cerni
Preachings: 17
Topic: 1ª Juan
Year/s: 2003
Author: Ricardo Cerni
Preachings: 17
Topic: Gálatas
Year/s: 2002 - 2003
Author: Ricardo Cerni
Preachings: 22
Topic: Filipenses
Year/s: 2002 - 2003
Author: Jairo Chaur
Preachings: 8
Topic: La Familia
Year/s: 2002
Author: Ricardo Cerni
Preachings: 13
Topic: Salmos (2002)
Year/s: 2002
Author: Pr. Ricardo Cerni
Preachings: 13
Topic: 1ª Timoteo
Year/s: 2001 - 2002
Author: Ricardo Cerni
Preachings: 12
Topic: El papel de la mujer en el plan de la salvación
Year/s: 2002
Author: Ricardo Cerni
Preachings: 10
Topic: Esdras
Year/s: 2001
Author: Ricardo Cerni
Preachings: 9
Topic: Jueces
Year/s: 2001
Author: Ricardo Cerni
Preachings: 20
Topic: Josué
Year/s: 2000 - 2001
Author: Ricardo Cerni
Preachings: 15
Topic: El Sermón del Monte
Year/s: 1999 - 2000
Author: Ricardo Cerni
Preachings: 41
Topic: Varios (1991-2000)
Year/s: 1991 - 2000
Author: Varios
Preachings: 30
Topic: Daniel
Year/s: 1998 - 1999
Author: Ricardo Cerni
Preachings: 24
Topic: 2ª Corintios
Year/s: 1997 - 1998
Author: Ricardo Cerni
Preachings: 44
Topic: El Pacto
Year/s: 1996 - 1997
Author: Ricardo Cerni
Preachings: 32
Topic: Vivir en la Fe (Hebreos 11)
Year/s: 1997
Author: Ricardo Cerni
Preachings: 7
Topic: La Familia Cristiana
Year/s: 1997
Author: Ricardo Cerni
Preachings: 8
Topic: Lucas
Year/s: 1994 - 1996
Author: Ricardo Cerni
Preachings: 83
Topic: Que es ser cristiano en el mundo
Year/s: 1993 - 1994
Author: Ricardo Cerni
Preachings: 30
Topic: Romanos
Year/s: 1990 - 1993
Author: Ricardo Cerni
Preachings: 82
Topic: El Pacto
Year/s: 1990
Author: Ricardo Cerni
Preachings: 16
Topic: Varios (1981-1990)
Year/s: 1981 - 1990
Author: Ricardo Cerni
Preachings: 26
Topic: Los Atributos de Dios
Year/s: 1989
Author: Ricardo Cerni
Preachings: 16
Topic: Jesucristo
Year/s: 1988
Author: Ricardo Cerni
Preachings: 14
Topic: El Espíritu Santo
Year/s: 1988
Author: Ricardo Cerni
Preachings: 3
Topic: La Santificación y la Ley de Dios
Year/s: 1987 - 1988
Author: Ricardo Cerni
Preachings: 32
Topic: Los diez Mandamientos
Year/s: 1987 - 1988
Author: Ricardo Cerni
Preachings: 23
Topic: Mateo
Year/s: 1983 - 1984
Author: Ricardo Cerni
Preachings: 32
Topic: 1 Juan 1-3
Year/s: 1983
Author: Pr. Ricardo Cerni
Preachings: 9
Topic: Nehemías
Year/s: 1983
Author: Ricardo Cerni
Preachings: 13
Topic: Juan 15-17
Year/s: 1983
Author: Pr. Ricardo Cerni
Preachings: 9
Topic: Confesión de fe de Westminster
Year/s: 1980 - 1982
Author: Pr. Ricardo Cerni
Preachings: 69
Topic: Profetas menores
Year/s: 1980 - 1981
Author: Pr. Ricardo Cerni
Preachings: 4
Topic: Eclesiastés
Year/s: 1980
Author: Pr. Ricardo Cerni
Preachings: 19
Topic: Escatología (1979-1980)
Year/s: 1979 - 1980
Author: Pr. Ricardo Cerni
Preachings: 17
Topic: Daniel y las Profecías
Year/s: 1979 - 1980
Author: Pr. Ricardo Cerni
Preachings: 17
Topic: El Pacto de Gracia
Year/s: 1980
Author: Pr. Ricardo Cerni
Preachings: 6
Topic: 2 Timoteo 1-2
Year/s: 1980
Author: Pr. Ricardo Cerni
Preachings: 8
Topic: El crecimiento espiritual
Year/s: 1980
Author: Pr. Ricardo Cerni
Preachings: 4
Topic: Varios (1976-1980)
Year/s: 1976 - 1980
Author: Varios
Preachings: 15
Topic: Gálatas (1978-1979)
Year/s: 1978 - 1979
Author: Pr. Ricardo Cerni
Preachings: 21
Topic: La Monarquía en Israel
Year/s: 1976 - 1979
Author: Pr. Ricardo Cerni
Preachings: 76
Topic: Marcos
Year/s: 1976 - 1978
Author: Pr. Ricardo Cerni
Preachings: 59
Topic: Mayordomía
Year/s: 1978
Author: Pr. Ricardo Cerni
Preachings: 8
Topic: Colosenses
Year/s: 1976
Author: Pr. Ricardo Cerni
Preachings: 16

En recuerdo de nuestro querido Pastor Ricardo Cerni, hemos publicado este vídeo de la celebración del 50 aniversario de la I.R.P y FELIRE
Su amor por la iglesia y su dedicación a la obra de Dios durante más de 50 años han sido un ejemplo e inspiración para todos los que hemos tenido el privilegio de conocerlo y escucharlo predicar. Damos gracias a Dios por su vida y ministerio.