Iglesia Reformada Presbiteriana: General Information
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Name: Iglesia Reformada Presbiteriana
Adress: C/ Sant Salvador, 98 - 08024 Barcelona - España
Tel/Fax: 93 219 08 96
Pastor: D. Jeon In Sik
Elders: D. José Pascual Amat
Deacon: D. Juan José Martínez
Deacon: D. Ernest González
Secretary/Treasurer: D. José Pascual Amat
Services: Sundays: 11:30 h - Worship Lord's Supper

The Iglesia Reformada Presbiteriana (I.R.P.) was established in 1964 as a group of believers had the desire and the need to worship and serve the Lord according to their new found knowledge of the doctrines of sovereign grace and other doctrines of the Reformation. In the front wall of our church you can read "Christ, the power of God and the wisdom of God." (1 Co. 1:24) and that defines this church as totally Christ centered.

In 1968 the I.R.P. was the first church in Spain to be registered by the Government under the new law on Religious Freedom. Since then, the I.R.P. has been an instrument for the planting of two more churches, the training of several Pastors and workers, as well as the spreading of the doctrines of the Reformation both in Spain and in Latinamerica.

The purpose of the I.R.P. consists in fulfilling the calling of the Lord by being a "pillar and foundation of the truth" (1 Tim 3:15), for the Lord's glory through the faithful preaching of His Word.

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Left to right: Juan José Martínez, Ernest González, Jeon In Sik, José Pascual Amat

Hermanos IRP

The congregation of the I.R.P in Barcelona (December 2008)

Foto IRP

En recuerdo de nuestro querido Pastor Ricardo Cerni, hemos publicado este vídeo de la celebración del 50 aniversario de la I.R.P y FELIRE
Su amor por la iglesia y su dedicación a la obra de Dios durante más de 50 años han sido un ejemplo e inspiración para todos los que hemos tenido el privilegio de conocerlo y escucharlo predicar. Damos gracias a Dios por su vida y ministerio.